Privacy Policy

Updated May 2017


At Fair Price group we are committed to protecting your privacy.

We commit to being transparent in our data collection and use.

As an ongoing policy at Fair Price Group, we handle all client and customer details in a sensitive manner.

This not only relates to client contact but also to special areas of Fair Price Groups, ongoing activities such as recruitment, sponsorships and donations.

Collection of Personal Information

From clients to whom we provide our services, we collect: names, contact numbers, email addresses, residential and business addresses, and at times other family member’s details for measure and installation purposes.

We do not request personal information from clients that relates to other parties.

  • For our email subscribers we collect contact information only.
  • We may also collect personal information that is publicly available.
  • Our website collects online behaviour patterns using Google Analytics. Information logged includes your geographic location, time spent on site etc. We use this information to improve our site and ensure our usability and information is at the level you require.

We collect information in the following ways;

  • Through electronic subscription to our company newsletter and Fair Price Facebook activities
  • Client data is also provided through previous Fair Price customer contacts
  • From our measuring and quoting processes

Storage of personal information

We store personal information online and in printed format. We have reasonable standards of security both online and in our hard copy storage to protect us from theft of information.

Use of personal information

We use personal information to:

  • Provide professional services to our customers.
  • For marketing and communication information to email subscribers
  • To ask for feedback from clients and email subscribers to assist in improving our services

We do not:

  • Share or disclose information with others unless required to do so by law.
  • Store or retain Credit Card information supplied by our customers
  • Sell mailing lists
  • Share information for marketing purposes
  • Share information with overseas entities

Request your personal information for view or delete your personal information

Contact us at and use the Subject line “Privacy Request”. Using this, you may request all information that we may have held on you, and also request that we delete this information and/or desist using these details to contact you in any way.

If you feel in any way that there has been a breach of the act, please contact the same email address with the subject line “Data Supply Breach” and we will be in contact with you.

Changes to our privacy policy

We may change the types of data collected at different times. These changes will be reflected on this page in this privacy policy.